What would have happened if Hitler had won World War II in the 1950s?

An alternate outcome of World War II could have been Hitler’s global domination 😈💀❗

Alex Auclair
2 min readFeb 1, 2024

A Dystopian Scenario: Hitler’s Victory in World War II.

Imagine it’s the 1950s, but history has taken a different turn — Hitler and the Nazis won World War II and now control a lot of the world. They’ve even taken — over the Middle East, which is rich in oil. Now, they’re threatening Saudi Arabia, and this worries the Americans.

President Truman, the American leader, decides to show the Nazis that America means business. He orders a nuclear bomb to be dropped near the Nazi soldiers in Saudi Arabia. But things go wrong — a sandstorm causes the bomb to miss its target and it ends up killing an American team who were there to observe the — explosion. This is the first time Americans have died from a nuclear blast, and Truman is upset because he feels responsible.

Despite this tragedy, Truman’s Secretary of Defense, Marshall, reassures him that they’ve managed to buy some time against the Nazis… But he also warns Truman that they’re now in a “Cold War” — a time of tension where the world’s superpowers are trying to outdo each other without actually starting a full-blown war. The future is uncertain, with the Nazis still controlling much of the world…



Alex Auclair

One of the many brains behind the Infographics Show. As a writer, I craft compelling blogs and make it easy to understand for a wide range of audiences.